Volume : I, Issue : XI, August - 2012

Sustainable Rural Development: A Case Study of Kalewadi Nirmal Gram, District Satara (Maharashtra)

Dr. Anandrao S. Patil

Abstract :

Rural development is becoming an important aspect in the studies of Regional Planning. Rural development is social and economical transforming of rural traditional society into modern society and a process through which collective efforts aiming the well being and self reliance of people living in rural areas. The task of planning of rural development has presented number of problems to planning authorities, administrators, implementing authorities and social workers. Different government plans are devoted to all–round balanced development, sustained economic growth and community development. Maharashtra is one of the leading states in the rural development program. State has done exceedingly well in achieving full sanitation and improvement in standard of living through “Sant Gadgebaba Gram Swachhata Abhiyan” launched by Government of Maharashtra. Satara district is important district in case of Total Sanitation Campaign, achieved 90 per cent sanitation, while some blocks achieved 100 per cent. Kalewadi is one of the “Nirmal Gram” awarded village in the year 2006–07. This village can be a model for the other villages all over the rural India because despite of adversities village have achieved a remarkable sustainable development.

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Dr. Anandrao S.Patil Sustainable Rural Development: A Case Study of Kalewadi Nirmal Gram, District Satara (Maharashtra) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.XI August 2012

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