Volume : V, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

Sustainable Residential Electricity Consumption – A study of Jaipur City

Dr. Oum Kumari R

Abstract :

Being considered as the backbone for an economy’s progress; electricity plays a critical role in socio economic development of a nation. Consumption of power and development of an economy are positively correlated to one another. No doubt our economy has witnessed rapid economic development in the past few decades which has in turn led to increase in the power consumption manifold i.e. from 559 KWh in 2000–2001 to 1000 KWh in 2011–12. Eventhough consumption of power is considered to be a positive indicator of growth but the ever increasing consumption of power has given rise to serious problems such as global warming, growing power deficit and mounting debt. In the present research article attempt has been made to investigate the effective determinants of residential electricity demand in Jaipur city using Multi Nomial Logistic Regression model. Consumption of power in residential sector of India has increased from 72,200 Million Kilowatthours in 1950 to 13, 91, 090 Million Kilowatthour in 2013 and residential sector accounts for around 40 per cent of total electricity consumption and therefore there is a good potential of energy conservation in residential sector. Present research article is an effort to enable the policy makers to frame effective DSM strategies to curb excessive demand and ing a balance between the growing demand and supply of power.

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Dr.Oum Kumari R Sustainable Residential Electricity Consumption‾A study of Jaipur City Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 8 August 2015

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