Volume : III, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Sustainable Development Through Human Effort in A Bio Diversity Zone

Dr. Jayanta Gogoi, Bonosree Bhuyan, Sujit Sikidar

Abstract :

Human effort to protect resources on one hand and derive livelihood out of them on the other hand shall pave the way for sustainable development. Resource endowment is considered a dependent variable for undertaking an economic activity and deriving livelihood of people relying on such resources. Assam is a rich biodiversity zone in the North–East Region of India with extensive forest areas, flora and fauna. The present study shall concentrate on the sustainable economic activities and the peripheral activities pursued in the vicinity of the World Heritage Site “Kaziranga National Park” which also has a glorious history of its own.

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Dr. Jayanta Gogoi, Bonosree Bhuyan, Sujit Sikidar Sustainable Development Through Human Effortin A Bio Diversity Zone Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.IX September 2013

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