Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Sustainable Development Practices Influencing Customers’ Revisit Intentions in Restaurants

Dr. Ranjana Pandey, Dr. Usha Kiran Rai

Abstract :

Topic of Sustainability is of immense importance for holistic growth of business and society. Purpose of the study is to explore important factors including sustainability issues which may influence customers’ patronage towards restaurants. Influence of educational qualification on understanding about the ecological sustainability was also identified. Nature of study is exploratory; tools used are exploratory Factor analysis and ANOVA. Conclusions of the study indicate that Employee concern, Green practices and CRM are most important factors influencing customers’ decision to revisit a particular restaurant. Understanding about environmental sustainability was dependent on educational qualification of the customers.

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Dr. Ranjana Pandey, Dr. Usha Kiran Rai Sustainable Development Practices Influencing Customers’ Revisit Intentions in Restaurants Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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