Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Sustainable Bio Fuel For Aircraft

Manoj Kumar Mandal. B, Srishti Bansal, Ch. Trigunasaideep, Ashok Marshall, Chandran. G, Karthikeyan D P

Abstract :

Bio–fuels are the chemical compounds that occur naturally in plants. Our objective is to come up with most suitable bio–fuel for aviation industry which has the least CO2 emancipation to the surrounding and can give better performance. The aviation industry is active in the bio–jet fuel development and environmental progress must be joined by economic and social development to be truly sustainable. It is possible to fly a commercial aircraft on a “drop in” fuel, containing a high proportion of sustainably–sourced biofuel. In order to be accepted for the commercial use, Sustain – able Aviation Fuel should have less lifecycle carbon discharge compared to the other traditional fossil based jet fuel, also should be drop–in alternative to traditional fossil based jet fuel to avoid costly redesign of fuel delivery systems, engines or airframes. In terms of energy poises, discharges and air quality, the substantiation endorses wide dissimilarity in greenhouse gas hoards from biofuel use depending on feedstock, cultivation methods, adaptation technologies, and energy efficiency assumptions. The fuel supply to the commercial aviation industry is on a relatively small and less complex the other forms of transport. For this reason, it is expected that it will be easier to fully contrivance the use of sustainable biofuels in aviation than in other transport systems. 

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Manoj Kumar Mandal.B, Srishti Bansal, Ch. TrigunaSaideep, Ashok Marshall, Chandran. G, Karthikeyan D P Sustainable Bio Fuel For Aircraft Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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