Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Survey on Detection of Emerging Areas in Social Streams

K. Ramya, S. Brintharajakumari, Dr. T. Nalini

Abstract :

 Discovering of emerging topics becomes interested in the fast development of social networks. As the 

information exchanged in the social networks post includes not only the text, but also images, URLs and 
video therefore conventional–term–frequency–based approaches may not be appropriate in this context. Emergence of 
topics is focused by the social aspects of these networks. In this survey paper, compares various research parameters 
for detection of emerging topics and the techniques used in it. The study papers was effective to understand the techniques and gives idea to propose a probability model for the mentioning behavior of social networks by the number of 
mentions per post and the occurrence of users taking place in the social network. 

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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K.Ramya, S.BrinthaRajakumari, Dr.T.Nalini Survey on Detection of Emerging Areas in Social Streams Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 4 April 2015

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