Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2015


Dr. Madhu Sudan Dash

Abstract :

 The contributions of science and technology have created hope to many infertile couples to have a child 

of their own through the means of Artificial Reproductive Technique (ART). At the same time, it raises 
many socio–legal issues especially the rights and obligations of parties to a surrogacy. Now a day, India has been considered as International Surrogacy Centre which has triggered many socio–legal problems because of the absence of 
any definite legislation in India. To regulate surrogacy and to provide protections to the surrogate mother, a specific 
legislation should come out

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Dr. Madhu Sudan Dash SURROGACY: THE SOCIO–LEGAL ISSUES Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 4 April 2015

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