Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2017


Dr. Ganeshkumar Balasubramaniam, Prof. Dr. Balasubramanian Covindarasu

Abstract :

 INTRODUCTION:                       Commonest Sinonasal diseases are Deviated Nasal Septum with Sinusitis followed by Sinonasal Polyposis. Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery was the most effective than the other types of surgeries. OBJECTIVES:                                  Study about the various causes of sinonasal diseases present in our area and the various types of surgical management and it’s efficacy after regular follow up. STUDY DESIGN:                                    Retrospective study. MATERIALS AND METHODS:                                     Study conducted in ENT department Thanjavur Medical College. Period of study was April 2014 to March 2015. Total number of cases taken for study was 114. Malignancy and Deep Fungal infections of nose and paranasal sinuses are excluded. All cases are subjected to Diagnostic Nasal Endoscopy, CT PNS and Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery was done for most of the cases. Some recurrent cases treated with Caldwell–Luc surgery. RESULTS:                                       In our study Deviated Nasal Septum with Sinusitis was more in number followed by Ethmoidal Polyp, Antrochoanal Polyp and Septal deviation with Spur. FESS done for most of the cases and was most effective than other procedures. DISCUSSION:                                   Anatomical variation in the lateral wall of nose plays main role for the development of sinusitis. Anatomical and Pathological alterations in the (OMC)OsteoMeatalComplex leads to Defective Ventilation and Drainage and later on to Sinusitis. Ethmoidal Polyposis mainly associated with Allergy and Infection was common precipitating factor Antrochonal Polyp. FESS gives best results with maximal mucosal preservation. Recurrent cases are managed by External Approaches such as Frontal Trephination and Caldwell–Luc surgery. CONCLUSION:                                  DNS with Sinusitis was more in number and managed by FESS. Ethmoidal Polyposis managed by FESS with Pre and Postoperative Medical management. Antrochonal polyp managed by FESS, and in recurrent cases by Radical Antrostomy procedure.

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Dr.Ganeshkumar Balasubramaniam, Prof. Dr. Balasubramanian Covindarasu, SURGICAL MANAGEMENT OF SINONASAL DISEASES – RETROSPECTIVE STUDY, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017

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