Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2015

Surgical complications of suspected Chikungunya

Dr. Astha K. Trivedi, Dr. Sourabh Damani

Abstract :

 BACKGROUND Chikungunya fever is a viral disease transmitted to humans by infected Aedes, culex and mansonia mosquitoes and  manifested by high fever, joint pain with or without swelling and rash 1. It is an acute self limiting feile disease 2.  This prospective study shows high mortality in patients with history of chikungunya once surgical complication occurs. METHODS All patients admitted to department of Surgery, Sheth Vadilal Sarabhai General Hospital with history of Chikungunya fever between period August 2006 to November 2006.All of them are suspected Chikungunya fever cases. Most of them  presented in Emergency during above mentioned period. RESULTS  Total 57 patients had history of chikungunya fever admitted with various surgical complications–Cellulitis: 24 patients ,  Peptic perforation :11 patients, Injection Abscess:09 patients, Acute gastritis :06 patients, Jejunal perforation:05 patients, GastroIntestinal bleeding:02 patients. Mean age for complication was 46.8 years, S.D±. 1.7 years, 68.4 % complications were in age group 30 to 50 years, which is economically productive age group. Complications in descending  order were cellulitis(42.1 %),peptic perforation (19.3 %), injection abscess(15.8 %), acute gastritis(10.5 %), jejunal perforation(8.8 %) and GastroIntestinal bleeding (3.5 %). Complications were higher in males(84.2 %) than in females(15.8 %). Mortality was high between the age group 30  to 50 years. Total case fatality rate was 31.58 %. Jejunal perforation case fatality rate: 100 %. Injection abscess: 44.4  %, peptic perforation: 36.4 % and cellulites: 20.8 %. Patients with acute gastritis and GastroIntestinal bleeding had no  mortality. CONCLUSION  To conclude chikungunya complications and mortality were not only due to irrational therapy and injudicious use of  medicines but virulence of virus might also be responsible. In our study, out of 57 cases of suspected Chikungunya, 18  patients expired due to surgical complications causing 31.58 % morality. 1) The key finding to chikungunya outeak investigation was a high attack rate , particularly among adults and females . 2) The explosive nature of the outeak with high attack rates might be due to the absence of herd immunity to the  central/east African genotype of the CHIK virus isolated in India and other countries in Indian Ocean region. 3) In addition to classical manifestations of Chikungunya infection, severe infections requiring hospitalization were reported during outeaks in India 2006.  4) Patients who present with surgical complications of probable causes of chikungunya shows high mortality. 

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Dr. Astha K.Trivedi, Dr. Sourabh Damani Surgical complications of suspected Chikungunya Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 5 May 2015

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