Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2016

Suicides in Maharashtra (India) with respect to age, sex and social status

Dr. Simranjeet Singh Bains

Abstract :

 Suicide implies an act of intentionally causing one’s own death. About eight lakh people commit suicide worldwide every year, of these 1.35 lakh (17%) are residents of India. Among the various states in India, highest total number of suicidal deaths is in Maharashtra to the extent of 153104, during the period of ten years (2004–2013). Keeping in view the gravity of the situation an attempt has been made to examine the intensity, nature, growth and S.M.R. (Suicidal Mortality Rate) of suicidal deaths with respect to age, sex and social status of Maharashtra state. Mean value, proportion, A.A.C.G.R and S.M.R. are reckoned and results are presented using Histograms and Pie charts. Among the various heads of social status, married men and women figures about 75 percent of total suicidal deaths. In case of age groups, the group of 15–29 years and 30–44 years constitute about 69% of total suicides in Maharashtra.

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Dr. Simranjeet Singh Bains Suicides in Maharashtra (India) with respect to age, sex and social status Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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