Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Suicide Incident in India in Relation with Geomagnetic Activity Parameters During the Period of 1989–2010

P. L. Verma

Abstract :

It is known that solar activity parameter and Schumann resonance signals are related to solar activity parameters and Schumann resonance signals is detected by human ain which is related to serious depression and suicide .The increased and decreased of solar and geomagnetic activity produces homeostatic relationship with morality rates anxiety depression and suicide. I have studied the relation between the death due to suicide in India and geomagnetic activity parameters Kp, Dst and Ap indices, observed during the period of 1989–2010.It is seen that male, female, total and rate of death due to suicide incidents are well correlated with yearly average of geomagnetic acticivity parameter Kp ,Ap and Dst indices . I have found negative correlation with correlation coefficient –0.72,–0.72.–0.47and –0.63 between yearly average Kp index and male, female, total, rate (per 1000000) of suicide incidents. Negative correlation with correlation coefficient –75, –0.77,– 0.55 and– 0.70 has been found between magnitude of yearly average of Dst index and male, female, total, rate (per 1000000) of suicide incidents. I have also found negative correlation with correlation –0.65,–0.69,–0.43 an –0.60 between yearly average of Ap index and male, female, total, rate (per 1000000) of suicide incidents.  

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P. L.Verma Suicide Incident in India in Relation with Geomagnetic Activity Parameters During the Period of 1989-2010 Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2013

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