Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016


Cojocaru Adin Marian, Cojocaru Marilena

Abstract :

 In all cases the interaction of the hand ball (service to collect, setting, attack, block) movement has a nice character. Through these actions, the ball is intended to print on certain parameters of the speed and angle to the horizontal to allow sending the ball into a desired point after a precise trajectory. The research was conducted by watching matches at the European Championship tournament in men‘s volleyball, edition 2015. One thing to note, regardless of the skill of the players, is the presence of learning in all stages of training so that players constantly have mastered something new, be it a new action, whether it is a new combination tactic, which used optimally ing success to the team. To improve service training should be focused only on executions out of service in game conditions, and develop the ability to alternate execution decision in the best conditions of service.

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Cojocaru Adin Marian, Cojocaru Marilena Study Regarding Efficiency of Jump Service in Volleyball High Performance Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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