Volume : VI, Issue : XI, November - 2016

Study on Prevalence of Various Complications in Type�2 DM: A Hospital Based Study

Dr Akash Singh, Dr Priyanka Singh

Abstract :

 In the ancient Sanskrit Literature, diabetes mellitus was described as “honey–urine disease,” associated with gross emaciation and wasting. Diabetes is a global endemic with rapidly increasing prevalence in both developing and developed countries. Our aim was to detect the prevalence and clinical profile of various complications in type–2 Diabetes Mellitus patients. As the prevalence of diabetes mellitus is rising and at the same time it is now affecting rural as well as urban people both. Large proportion of T2DM patients presented with various complications because of insidious and silent onset of T2DM and hence this disease acts as a silent killer.

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Dr Akash Singh, Dr Priyanka Singh, Study on Prevalence of Various Complications in Type�2 DM: A Hospital Based Study, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 11 | November 2016

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