Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Study on natural Spirocercosis in local dogs, Iraq

Dr. Khalil H. Al

Abstract :

This study aimed to describe the different lesions of natural spirocercosis in local dogs. Eight dogs submitted to the department of surgery, college of Veterinary Medicine, Uinv. of Baghdad, Iraq for surgical operations and practice. At necropsy the Spirocerca lupi lesions were localized in the caudal part of the esophageal mucosa and submucosa and adjacent adventitia of aorta (upper thoracic portion of aorta). The lesions were consisted from red fleshy nodules 1 – 2 cm with central opining through which the Spirocerca lupi protruded. Microscopically, the lesions were consisted from fiotic nodules containing the parasites and neutrophils exudates in their centers, the surrounded fiotic tissue was infiltrated with mononuclear cells (lymphocytes, macrophages and plasma cells). Also extensive granulomatous reaction consisted from mononuclear cells with fioblastic proliferations seen in other location sites of mucosa and submucosa of esophagus surrounding the adult parasite. Similar fiotic nodular lesions were also seen in adventitia of upper thoracic aorta considered as a prior exposure of the parasite. 

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Dr. Khalil H. Al Study on natural Spirocercosis in local dogs, Iraq Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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