Volume : III, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Study on Multiplication of Some Flowering Plants

D. K. Patel

Abstract :

Indian banking sector has made a significant progress after nationalization especially in three aspects: Branch expansion, deposit mobilization and loan maximization. In the changing scenario of the operations of the Public Sector Banks (PSBs) Non–Performing Assets (NPAs) have been the most vexing problem faced by PSBs. NPAs are treated as an obstacles in the development of the banking sector. This paper analyzed the NPAs level in PSBs in India during 1992–93 to 2010–11. Secondary data has been used for the study. Ratio Analysis technique has been used for the data analysis. This study reveals that Assets quality of Public sector banks in India has been improving over the past five years reflected in the declining NPA to advances.  

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D. K. Patel Non-Performing Assets in Public Sector Banks: An Investigation Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.IX September 2013

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