Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2014

Study on Leadership Styles and Theories

Ms. Supriya Mahajan

Abstract :

Every person wants to be the leader but the true leader is that who work for the benefit of the organisation and help the organisation to achieve their objectives. This can only be possible if leader properly guide the persons who work under them and help them to achieve the objectives. Leader is person having Leadership quality. Now Leadership is a process by which one person influence the behaviour, attitude and thought of an individual person or a group of persons. It is the important part of the manager’s job. The work of a manager is to guide their subordinate, provide direction to their subordinate for working properly, asses their work time to time so that less mistake are done by them also guide them to improve their mistakes. Leadership is the ability of a manager to induce subordinate to work with confidence. Motivation, guidance is the important function of the leadership. Leadership is not the power to dominate their subordinate it is for guidance so that the employees properly work in the organisation and help the organisation to achieve the objectives. An employee cannot work without proper guidance so leadership is the important part of the organisation. The main objective of the paper is to study the Styles and theories of leadership.

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Ms. Supriya Mahajan Study on Leadership Styles and Theories Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. III

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