Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Study on Geopolymer Concrete Block

Dr. P. Priya Rachel

Abstract :

 Research on low–calcium fly–ash based geopolymer concrete, sometimes called ‘concrete with no cement’, has been attracting significant attention. Geopolymer concrete offers a solution for the need of 

‘greener’ construction material in the midst of environmental concern on the production of Ordinary Portland Cement 
(OPC). An experimental investigation was conducted to study the durability properties of fly ash–based geopolymer 
concrete and also to critically assess a stress–strain model using masonry prisms constructed from different icks.Behaviour of unreinforced geopolymer masonry prism is compared with ordinary clay ick masonry prism .Unreinforced 
clay ick prism and geopolymer ick prism using ick size of 225 x 105 x 70 mm were cast with 10M and12M 
NaOH concentration for different aspect ratio.Based on the results and observations of the comprehensive experimental study, nonlinear stress–strain curves have been obtained. Using linear regression analysis a simple relationships have 
been identified for obtaining the modulus of elasticity of icks and masonry prism from their corresponding compressive strengths. It was observed from the results that geopolymer ick masonry prism possess higher load carrying 

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Dr.P.Priya Rachel Study on Geopolymer Concrete Block Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 4 April 2015

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