Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Study on Economics of K.R.B.M Canal Lining

Komal B. Gujarati, Dr. R. B. Khasiya, Dr. J. N. Patel

Abstract :

In today’s world, water scarcity is a prime issue as the whole world is facing the problem for availability of water. Canal lining is one of the method to improve the efficiency of canal. By canal lining we can control the wastage of water. In this report, I have tried to explain the advantages and disadvantages of the various canal lining system. The factors affecting the decision for selection of the canal lining material is also discussed in this report. The Kakrapar Right Bank Main Canal (K.R.B.M.C) is choosen as the study area. The main objective is to find out the most economical method of canal lining based on the cost criteria in relation to the wastages etc.

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Komal B. Gujarati, Dr. R. B. Khasiya, Dr. J. N. Patel Study on Economics of K.R.B.M Canal Lining Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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