Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Study on Consumer's Perceptions and Buying Behaviour Towards Selected Home Appliances Products in Madurai District

Dr. K. Uma, P. Sasikala

Abstract :

 Management is the youngest of sciences and oldest of arts and consumer behavior in management is a very young discipline. Understanding the consumer attitude is an important part of the marketing process to realize the challenges faced by marketers in comprehending the consumer’s mind. Marketing stars with the needs of the customer and ends with his satisfaction. When everything revolves round the customer, then the study of consumer behavior becomes a necessity.  It starts with the buying of goods can be bought individually, or in groups. Goods can be bought under stress (to satisfy an immediate need), for comfort and luxury in small quantities or in bulk. Consumer behavior can be defined as the decision–making process and physical activity involved in acquiring evaluating, using and disposing of goods and services. Consumer buying behavior has become an integral part of strategic market planning. Generally goods can be classified in to durable and non durable goods. Home appliances play a major role in the domestic life of the modern man. It has always had a significant place in the life of man ever since the Stone Age when man began to use tools. This paper highlights that, location wise consumer buying behavior towards home appliance products in Madurai District.

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"Dr. K. Uma, P. Sasikala Study on Consumer's Perceptions and Buying Behaviour Towards Selected Home Appliances Products in Madurai District Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. IV

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