Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Study of the Maceral Composition and Coal Facies of the Oligocene Coals in Makum Coalfield, Upper Assam, India

Dr. Ranjan Kumar Sarmah

Abstract :

The study area, a selected part of the Makum Coalfield is located in the Upper Assam of North Eastern India. The present study is confined only to “Coal Measures” i.e. the Baragolai and Tikak Parbat Formations of Barail Group (Oligocene) and based on the analysis of coals collected from both the Formations. Megascopically, the coals are ight, non–banded, pulverizing and soft in nature. Maceral analysis shows that Vitrinite, Exinite and Inertinite group occur in respective order of abundance with variable proportion of mineral matter and shale. The characteristics of maceral groups suggest that the bark and woody tissues of plant deposited in a slowly subsiding wetswamp basin in a higher ground water table condition. The coal facies analysis indicates that the coals of both Baragolai and Tikak Parbat Formations belong to a limited, clastic marsh to wet forest swamp of limno– telmatic condition which is typical characteristics of lower delta plain environment.

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Dr. Ranjan Kumar Sarmah Study of the Maceral Composition and Coal Facies of the Oligocene Coals in Makum Coalfield, Upper Assam, India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2013

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