Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Study of Teacher Morale and Personality Dimensions of Interns

Chandra. R. K, Dr. G. Singaravel

Abstract :

The internship programme in teaching offers a continuum of growth from pre–service to the professional teaching level. In addition to the improvement of the pedagogical skills the interns must be geared up to play the role of a future teacher in the schools and to handle the complex task of handling the children efficiently during the training period itself .It becomes imperative that teacher educators’ focus must be directed towards the modification of the personality traits and improvement of the teacher morale of the interns. This paper aims to study the Teacher Morale and Personality dimensions of the interns

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CHANDRA.R.K, Dr.G.SINGARAVEL Study of Teacher Morale and Personality Dimensions of Interns Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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