Volume : VIII, Issue : III, March - 2018

Study of Surgical management of Incisional Hernia

Dr Nandakishor K. Jaiswal, Dr Kirti N. Jaiswal

Abstract :


Background: The present study was conducted to study various aspects of incisional hernia in terms of aetiology, modes of presentation, treatment methods and complications.

Methods: Forty–eight patients of incisional hernia presenting to OPD/emergency during two years study period were enrolled. After proper selection; based on the size of defect, associated risk factors and comorbidities; patients were selected for open suture repair, open mesh repair or laparoscopic mesh repair.

Results: Wound infection following previous surgery was the commonest risk factor (22, 45.83%). Twenty–nine patients (60.41%) patients presented with defect size 5–10cm. Open suture repair & open mesh repair have almost similar complications but lower recurrence in open mesh repair. Laparoscopic mesh repair cases had comparatively lesser complications and no recurrence.

Conclusion: Laparoscopic mesh repair is recommended to be the procedure of choice in properly selected patients at centres with available facilities.

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Dr Nandakishor K. Jaiswal, Dr Kirti N. Jaiswal, Study of Surgical management of Incisional Hernia, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-3 | March-2018

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