Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2017

Study of substance abuse by street children of Jodhpur city

Anil Purohit, Usha Talwar

Abstract :

 Globally, children who work and live on the streets are at higher risk of undesired behavioral health outcomes, including increased drug use and abuse. Study conducted with a qualitative as well as quantitative design, we conducted a survey of street children in Jodhpur in 2011–2015. Chewing tobacco was reported to be more in the children who had regular family contact as well as having irregular family contact and working as a rag pickers in the city whereas a unique kind of substance were used by the children having without family contact. The children of this category smell whitener for their addiction. It was using as substitute of alcohol and it was freely available at the shop of the stationary.  Intervention and prevention programs dealing with drug use of street children in Jodhpur should include family and peers when addressing drug use by street children. Rehabilitation may also be used for the abandoned children. 

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Anil Purohit, Usha Talwar, Study of substance abuse by street children of Jodhpur city, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾6 | June‾2017

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