Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2014

Study of Shareholder Value Creation and Measurement with use "Value based Management " Method (Vbm)

Bhojwani Vina R, Thakkar Manoj K

Abstract :

To mesure shareholder Value Creation has been the issue of discussion has been the issue of discussion all around the world. It has become crucial since the companies were increasingly committing to creating shareholer value creation Therefore new valution methods are needed to use in company. However,the changing process from the traditional methods to the new ones is not easily welcomed. How then shareholder value creation is mesured nowdays is of crucial importance. since the mejority of them are still using the traditional ethods to the new ones is not easily welcomed. How then shareholder value creation is mesured nowdays is of crucial importance since the mejority of them are still using the traditional accounting mesures Having notice this study is an attempt to avalyze the value creation with help of VBM method from current position analysis.

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BHOJWANI VINA R, THAKKAR MANOJ K Study of Shareholder Value Creation and Measurement with use "Value based Management " Method (Vbm) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue.VI June 2014

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