Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016


Dr. C. Sreenivasulu, Dr. S. Lakshmi Bai, Dr. K. Naveen Kumar

Abstract :

Stroke is a focal neurological deficit when blood supply to a part of ain is interrupted on severely reduced, depriving ain tissue of oxygen and nutrients. Current study aims to find the association of one common risk factor of cardiovascular complications namely lipid levels in stroke patients. Stroke patients admitted in the neurology ward were recruited in this study of both genders and around 21 – 85 years old. Patients who are on medication that would lower plasma lipid levels were excluded. A total number of 100 stroke cases admitted in Govt. General Hospital, Kurnool were studied .Maximum number of cases occurred in the age group of 41–60 years, and were 55%. Out of 100 cases 84 patients were Ischemic stroke and 16 patients were Hemorrhagic stroke. Total cholesterol was elevated in 34.5% of Ischemic stroke patients and 31.2% of Hemorrhagic stroke patients. Decreased HDL cholesterol was founding 53.5% of ischemic stroke patients and 31.2% hemorrhagic stroke patients 

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Dr. C. Sreenivasulu, Dr. S. Lakshmi Bai, Dr. K. Naveen kumar Study of Serum Lipid Profile in Stroke Patients Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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