Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2016

Study of Serological Profile of Torch Infections in Women with Bad Obstetric History

Dr. Anju Agrawal, Dr. S. K. Singh, Dr. R. K. Maheshwari, Dr. J. K. Goyal

Abstract :

 Introduction: The primary infections with TORCH agents, remain a major problem in the women with Bad Obstetric History (BOH). Prenatal screening for antibodies to TORCH infectious agents by serology is an important tool for diagnosis. Aims and objectives: To determine the occurrence of IgM and IgG antibodies status against TORCH infections in sera of women with BOH in a tertiary care hospital of North India. Material and method(s): In this prospective observational study, 130 women with BOH were included. Serology by detecting IgM and IgG antibodies specific to TORCHagent was carried out either by ELISA or Chemiluminesense method. Result: The overall IgM antibodies seropositivity of TORCH were 99(76.15%). The IgM/IgG sero positivity to Toxoplasma, Rubella, CMV and HSV were 21.54/27.69%, 35.38/60.00%, 19.23/78.46%, and 18.46/23.85% respectively. Maximum number of IgM seropositives cases of abortion 39(39%) and congenital malformations 08(28.57%) were associated with Rubella, still birth 04(23.52%) and preterm 03(16.67%) were associated with Toxoplasma and Rubella. Conclusion(s): A previous history of pregnancy wastage and the serological reaction for TORCH infections during current pregnancy must be considered while managing BOH cases so as to reduce the adverse fetal outcome.

Keywords :

IgG   IgM   TORCH   BOH   seropositive  

Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Dr. Anju Agrawal, Dr. S. K. Singh, Dr. R. K. Maheshwari, Dr. J. K. Goyal Study of Serological Profile of Torch Infections in Women with Bad Obstetric History Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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