Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Study of Open Challenges in Face Recognition and Expected Result

Manisha Deorao Urkude, Dr. S. B. Kishor, Dr. Sunil Gulabrao Naranje

Abstract :

Face, the most attractive biometric, in view of the tremendous industrial and technological growth in the last decade, the need of facial recognition increased for security and identification purpose. In this paper we study challenges for face recognition system. We show expected result obtain by using MATLAB software and also discuss various application of face recognition ,so now our key goal is to create automated enhance face recognition systems that can provide better graphical user interface .Government agencies are investing a considerable amount of resources into improving security systems as result of recent terrorist events that dangerously exposed flaws and weaknesses in today’s system safety mechanisms. Face logon provides identification of a user by biometric verification. Passwords and fingerprints are past now, Forget typing your password every time you login to your PC , face recognition is the future login.

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Manisha Deorao Urkude, Dr. S.B. Kishor, Dr. Sunil Gulabrao Naranje Study of Open Challenges in Face Recognition and Expected Result Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2013

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