Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2017

Study of myelographic evaluations in lumbar lesions patients

Dr. Pradeep S. Kulkarni, Dr Ranjana D. Valvi

Abstract :

 Background : The syndrome of low backache with or without neurological deficit is a common diagnostic problem, an orthopaedic surgeon faces in daily practice.. Such patients attend the OPD with a variety of presentations and localization of lesion is too difficult at times. Such patients are subjected to lumbar myelography. If correct diagnosis is arrived at in proper time and with accuracy, the management of the case can be effectively achieved. Here comes the role of myelography. With this view the present study was undertaken to with the aims to evaluate the role of myelography in diagnosing the lumber disc lesions. Materials and Methods:  Study included 80 patients who clinically presented with low backache, paraplegia, with or without bladder involvement and who were clinically considered to have compressive myelopathy. All the above patients were subjected to conventional myelographic evaluation. The data collection was done and analysed using appropriate staticstical method .Results : when various lumbar lesions were considered, the males were the predominant victims. Like in degenerative disc lesions, out of 41 patients, 31 were males. In canal stenosis out of 16, 11 were males. In fact, it is observed by many that sex does not offer bar for lumbar lesions. Out of 80 patients examined, the predominant class presented between the age group of 31–40 years. Many of the studies do support it. In addition, it is observed in our present study and also observed by many, that the victims of the disc lesions range between 31–50 years of age. Conclusion : The commonest lesion involving the lumbar spine was degenerative disc lesion. Maximum number of patients presenting with lumbar lesion were from 4th decade and next common in 6th decade of life . 

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Dr. Pradeep S. Kulkarni, Dr Ranjana D. Valvi, Study of myelographic evaluations in lumbar lesions patients, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾6 | June‾2017

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