Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2017

Study of Maternal risk factors for low birth weight babies in tribal population in South Rajasthan

Dr Brig Pk Bhatnagar

Abstract :

  Low birth weight has been defined by WHO as weight at birth of less than 2.5 kg. (1) Neonatal mortality is 20 times more likely for low birth weight babies   compared to Normal Birth Weight babies.(2) 15–20%  of the neonates are low birth weight  in India.(3)out of total 1107 deliveries in last three years , 278 neonates were selected for the study amounting to 25.11% cases.  35(12.60 %) neonates were extremely low birth weight (less than 1000gm)   and 110 (39.56%) were very low birth weight (less than 1500gm) and 133 (47.84%) low birth weight (less than 2500gm).     40 (14.38%) cases had Gestational age of 27 to31 weeks,  90 (32.37%)  cases  had gestational age of 32 to 36 weeks and 148 (53.23%) were  in 37 to 40 weeks of gestation. 164  cases(59.00%) belonged to age group of less than 20 years. 169 (60.80%)cases  were primigravida and 164 (59.00%) were less than 40 kg weight .204(73.38%) were  unbooked .164 cases (59.00%) required caesarean delivery. 186 (66.90%) were anemic and 161 (57.91%) had various degree of pregnancy induced hypertension . 28 (10.07%) had ante partum hemorrhage. 92 (33.09%) had pre mature rupture of memanes and preterm  labor. Regular antenatal care, prevention and treatment of anemia, pregnancy induced hypertension, preterm delivery can help in reducing perinatal motality and morbidity.

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DR (BRIG) PK BHATNAGAR, Study of Maternal risk factors for low birth weight babies in tribal population in South Rajasthan, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾7 | July‾2017

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