Volume : VII, Issue : XII, December - 2017

Study of Left Ventricular Mass in Patients of Stroke

Karun Bhatti, Nitin Tayal, Sr Tankhiwale, Anshu Gupta

Abstract :

 Background: The incidence of stroke is associated with hypertension and hypertension induced myocardial lesions. Left Ventricular Hypertrophy is said to be associated with cereal ischemic episodes. This emphasizes to assess the left ventricular mass in patients of stroke. The assessment can be carried out with MRI or Echocardiography. In our study echocardiographic technique is used as an economical method of Left ventricular mass assessment.

Methods: Study conducted on hundred cases of stroke and 50 age– sex matched controls admitted in the medicine ward of a tertiary care hospital. Assessment of the left ventricular mass was done by using Devreanx formula. The normal values of LVMI considered were less than 131 gm/m2 (<131 gm/m2) in males and less than 100 gm/m2 in females. Values more than 131 gm/m2 in males and more than 100 gm/m2 in females were taken as increased LVMI.

Results: The results showed that 48 cases (48%) had LVMI to be more than 131 gm/m2 and included 38 males (38%) and 10 females (10%). The LVMI <100 gm/m2 in 23 cases (23%) that included 2 males (2%) and 21 females (21%). Further 29 cases (29%) were found in between 101–131 gm/m2 and included 8 males (8%) and 21 females (21%).

Conclusions: Left ventricular mass has been found to be an independent risk factor for stroke in all age and sex groups.

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Karun Bhatti, Nitin Tayal, SR Tankhiwale, Anshu Gupta, Study of Left Ventricular Mass in Patients of Stroke, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-12 | December-2017

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