Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2015

Study of Learning Styles among Secondary Students

Dr. Chetna Pandey

Abstract :

 A Learning style may be defined as a distinctive and habitual manner of acquiring knowledge skills or attitudes through study or experience. This may be contrasted with a learning strategy which may be defined as a ‘plan of action‘ adopted in the acquisition of knowledge, skills or attitudes through study or experience.It is better to build children than to repair adults. For which one of the primary considerations we should deal with is child’s learning style. It is crucial for parents and teachers to understand that each child has unique learning style that should be the bases for an effective learning. Different learning styles require different approaches and techniques. Unlike traditional educational approaches that make use of general concepts, modern learning methods focus on a student’s specific behavior. Development of comprehensive environmental education programs based on child’s learning behavior will help in maximizing child’s potential and enhancing his or her environmental attitude.

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Dr. Chetna Pandey / Study of Learning Styles among Secondary Students / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 11 November 2016

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