Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Study of India’s Paper Industry–Potential and Growth in 21st Century

Jay Ganesh Tripathi

Abstract :

 This research Study focuses growth and development of paper industries in India. Paper touches our lives every moment. The paper industry in India is growing in a rapid speed with demand increment and oppor – tunity creation and attraction to the international players. Paper products are used in education, healthcare, food, trade, communication and packaging. The population of India has been growing at a significant pace which has led to the increase in the paper consumption as each individual utilizes paper and other related products .Paper Industry in India is moving up with a strong demand push and is in expansion mode to meet the projected demand of 20 Million tons by 2020. 

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Jay Ganesh Tripathi Study of India’s Paper Industry- Potential and Growth in 21st Century Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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