Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2015

Study of impact of different growth regulators of different concentrations and combinations supplemented in MS basal medium on hypocotyl and internodal explants of Leonurus sibiricus

Nilu Kumari, Meenakshi Priyadarshni, Ritika Kumari, Anjali Singh, L. N. Shukla

Abstract :

 Leonurus sibiricus is a wild species having immense medicinal value. It contains several alkaloids and  diterpenes. Although they are extracted from the dried aerial parts but may also be extracted from the  calli raised through tissue culture. In the present study, attempts has been made for high efficient callus induction  from epicotyle and internodal explants an MS (Murashige and Skoog, 1962 ) medium supplemented with different  concentrations of 2,4–D alone and three different concentrations of BAP. MS basal medium supplemented with 1.0 mg  /l 2,4–D + 2.0mg/l BAP was found most suitable because percentage of response was 94.4 in the hypocotyl explants  while it was 91.6 in case of internodal explants of this species. Calli induced in the above cultures were sub–cultured  in the same medium. The growth rate was excellent in both the calli in the above concentration that is MS +1.0 mg/l  2,4–D +2.0 mg/l BAP. Here, the calli were white, nodular and compact. MS +1.5 mg/l 2,4–D +2.0 mg/l BAP could induce callusing in 88.7 percent of the hypocotyl explants while it was 91.6 in case of internodal explants. The growth  rate was best and the calli were white yellow and compact

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Nilu Kumari, Meenakshi Priyadarshni, Ritika Kumari, Anjali Singh, L.N.Shukla Study of impact of different growth regulators of different concentrations and combinations supplemented in MS basal medium on hypocotyl and internodal explants of Leonurus sibiricus Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 5 May 2015

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