Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Study of Electroretinographical Abnormalities in patients with ocular toxoplasmosis

Nematian J

Abstract :

Aim: Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii that can affect various parts of the body. Visual system and mainly retina can be affected due to Toxoplasmosis. There are various methods for detection of retinal abnormalities due to Toxoplasmosis. One of the non–invasive techniques for retinal problem diagnosis is Electroretinography (ERG). The aim of present research is to look for probable retinal abnormalities in Toxoplasmosis patients using ERG. Method: In a cross–sectional study 50 subjects referred to Basir clinic were selected randomly. 25 subjects with sero negative Toxoplasmosis were taken as control and 25 with sero positive Toxoplasmosis were selected as control groups. ERG was recorded in total population. Latency (msec) and voltage (µv) of ERG b–wave was measured for each subject. Mean and standard deviation (S.D.) was calculated for two groups. SPSS version 13 was used to compare the results obtained in two groups. Results: The mean latency ±S.D was 42.2±2.1 and 50.3±3.6 in control and case groups respectively. The mean amplitude ±S.D. was 125.6±10.2 and 95.4±7.3 in control and case groups respectively. The differences between latency & amplitude of ERG b–wave were statistically significant as far as control and case groups are concerned. Conclusion: According to the results obtained Toxoplasmosis degenerate retina of Toxoplasmosis patients which can be diagnosed by ERG technique.

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Nematian J Study of Electroretinographical Abnormalities in patients with ocular toxoplasmosis Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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