Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2015

Study of effect of Reorientation of IMNCI training of Anganbadi worker on Morbidity & Home Based Management of under 5 children of urban slum of southern Raipur city

Dr Onkar Khandwal, Dr Suman Sudha Tirkey, Dr Pratima Beck, Dr Virendra K. Kurrey

Abstract :

 Introduction – Community based newborn care strategies in resource poor countries with high neonatal mortality show significant reduction in neonatal and under 5 mortality. Aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of interrupted IMNCI training of Anganwadi worker on the health status of children under 5 years of age living in urban slum of Raipur. Material Methods– Intervention was the orientation training programme (based on IMNCI) of Anganbadi worker. To know their knowledge about IMNCI a pre test and post test was conducted after training in study population and obtained Data was statistically analyzed by using appropriate statistical methods. Results– Mean illness episodes/year was significantly (p<0.05) reduced in the intervention group as compared to control group. Mean diarrheal episode/yr was significantly reduced (p<0.05) in all the age groups in the intervention group as compared to control group. Mean feile illness episode was observed to be reduced in intervention group (p<0.05) in all the categories. Conclusion– Continued training and supervision of the community health workers will help them in better identification, simple home based management and timely referral if required of these cases. Acceptance of these interventions could be improved by promoting more cooperation with families by means of health education of mothers and caregivers (relative)

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Dr Onkar Khandwal, Dr Suman Sudha Tirkey, Dr Pratima Beck, Dr Virendra K.Kurrey Study of effect of Reorientation of IMNCI training of Anganbadi worker on Morbidity & Home Based Management of under 5 children of urban slum of southern Raipur city Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 10 October 2015

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