Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2014

Study of Coastal Sand Spits in Devbag and Kolamb of Malvan, Maharashtra

Jagdish B. Sapkale, Madhuri M. Mane

Abstract :

The coastline of Maharashtra is specifically marked with a diversity of geomorphological features with differentiates coastal landforms. Coastal landforms are produced due to equiliium condition of erosional and depositional processes which are influenced by the sea waves and tidal energy. The beaches, sand dunes, sand–spits, bars are the depositional landforms of the shoreline. Among them sand spit is a linear accretion of mixed sediments that is attached to land at one end and entered into sea or in the estuary at the mouth. Sand spits significantly protects the mudflats, coastal settlements and estuarine environments from the sea storms and attacking sea waves. But it has observed that the sand spits are degraded at many places in the study area, Therefore, attempted to study the coastal sand spits in the coastal areas of Malvan in Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra.  

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Jagdish B. Sapkale, Madhuri M. Mane Study of Coastal Sand Spits in Devbag and Kolamb of Malvan, Maharashtra Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue.VI June 2014

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