Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2014


Nilima K Shah, Janak Hokshi, Chintan Mori, Krishna K Lakhani, Niyati Bhalani

Abstract :

Mosquito borne arbo virus illness dengue fever affects human being in various clinical scenario like Dengue fever (DF), Dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF), Dengue shock syndrome(DSS). This study was done to analyse difference between them and their outcomes.150 patients of dengue fever above 12 years of age irrespective of sex admitted in civil hospital Ahmedabad between sept 2011 to sept 2013 were studied and their outcome correlated. In our study, no of patients in respective group were 107, 32 and 11. No of Patients with platelet counts <50000/uL were 7 In DSS and 5 in DHF out of which 2 patients of shock syndrome died of complications. This study concluded that patient with dengue shock syndrome requires intensive monitoring and management.

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NILIMA K SHAH,JANAK HOKSHI, CHINTAN MORI,KRISHNA K LAKHANI, Niyati Bhalani Study of Clinical Profile of Dengue Fever Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 10 October 2014

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