Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Study of Carcinoma Breast in Females Presenting with Breast Lumps

Dr. Alpesh B. Amin, Dr. Kashinath V. Thakare

Abstract :

Background: Breast physiology might be disturbed by many causes including inflammation and carcinoma. Analysis of incidence, pattern and prevalence of east disease in the patient with east lump could provide important suggestions for the physicians. Methods: In this retrospective cross sectional study, female patient presenting with palpable east lump were examined at B.J.Medical College, from 2012–2014. Data was collected on variables of interest by interview, observation, clinical examination and necessary investigations. A total of 100 female cases were investigated through histopathological examinations by conventional methods. Results: In this study of total 100 cases, 58% benign and 42% were malignant. Pain in the east 42%, nipple retraction 14%, nipple discharge 13%, lymph node involvement 10%, skin fixation over lump 9%, peau’d orange 8%, ulceration over lump 4% were found in the patient. Fioadenoma (31%) was common benign lesion followed by fioadenosis (17%). Lesions were mostly found at average age of 27 years, malignant lesions found around the average 46 year. Nipple discharge was common in east carcinoma (21.4%) followed by fioadenosis (17.6%). The most common surgery was Simple Mastectomy with Axillary Clearance (57.2%). Conclusion: The main problem of east lump consists in its risk of being malignant, early detection is crucial and prompt treatment is required

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Dr. Alpesh B. Amin, Dr. Kashinath V. Thakare Study of Carcinoma Breast in Females Presenting with Breast Lumps Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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