Volume : X, Issue : II, February - 2020

Study of bacteriological profile in pre pasteurized human milk in Human Milk Bank.

Vinit Warthe, Ashutosh Paldiwal, Urmila Deshmukh, Samata Miniyar, Shubhechhya Wankhade

Abstract :

Introduction: Human Breast milk provides all the nutrients for infant growth. Both colostrum & east milk provide commensal & potentially probiotic bacteria to the infant gut that play an vital role in the colonization of the healthy infant gut. When the mother’s own milk is unavailable, pasteurized human donor east milk from Human Milk Banks is second choice. Human milk collected in Human Milk Bank can be contaminated during milking, collecting and handling methods. This study will be helpful in finding out various organisms present in pre pasteurized human milk and thus can aid in formulating policy for milk collection. AIMS & Obectives: To estimate the bacteriological flora present in pre pasteurised human milk donated in Human Milk Bank. Results: Bacteriological profile of our study showed that maximum pre pasteurised milk samples grew (MSSA) Methicillin sensitive staphylococcus aureus (48%) followed by samples with no growth (40%). Conclusion: This will help in establishing policy for the mother’s milk so as to improve the quality of donor milk in Human milk bank setting which will help to reduce infant mortality

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STUDY OF BACTERIOLOGICAL PROFILE IN PRE PASTEURIZED HUMAN MILK IN HUMAN MILK BANK., Vinit Warthe, Ashutosh Paldiwal, Urmila Deshmukh, Samata Miniyar, Shubhechhya Wankhade INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-10 | Issue-2 | February-2020

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