Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Studies on the Physical Properties of Naturally Coloured Cotton & Development of Eco–friendly UV Protected Fabric

S. Venkatakrishnan, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Mandhyan, R. Narkar, M. Kalayana Kumar

Abstract :

 In the Present investigation, selected three shades of naturally coloured cotton,(Light, Medium and Dark) own from the available Germplasm lines, and studied its Fie quality characteristics using HVI and AFIS for its Potential application by converting it into plain woven faics of similar constructions using desk loom and examined for ultraviolet penetration using UV–2000F Ultraviolet transmittance analyzer as per the standard testing procedure (AATCC183–2004) along with control faic made from normal white cotton. The study reveals that faics produced from naturally coloured cotton have excellent UV protection properties compared to control faic and the UPF value remains high even after repeated wash. The pigments present in the naturally coloured cotton can provide protection from the sun’s harmful rays for consumers who wear garments made from these naturally pigmented fies.

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S.Venkatakrishnan, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Mandhyan, R. Narkar, M. Kalayana Kumar Studies on the Physical Properties of Naturally Coloured Cotton & Development of Eco-friendly UV Protected Fabric Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 6 June 2015

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