Volume : VI, Issue : VIII, August - 2016

Studies on the pattern of injuries in fatal two–wheeler motor vehicular accidents with and without helmets.

Deepak Sharma, Monika Sharma, Amit Mittal, Rikki Singal

Abstract :

 Background– Traffic accidents are an endemic disease affecting majorly young people, who are in the prime of their lives. In middle age, the leading causes of death are traffic accidents. Two–wheelers cause maximum fatalities in traffic accidents. Aim: To study the pattern of injuries sustained by riders involved in motorized two–wheeler accidents. Objective: What role does a helmet play in protecting the rider from head injuries in an accident? Method and material: In the present study, total 50 cases were studied. Out of which 30% were weÃ¥ helmets and 66% were non–helmeted and 4% were weÃ¥ turban. ISI marked helmeted persons were 40% and non–ISI marked were 60% of the total helmeted persons. Two groups were made first with and without helmet, second with and without ISI marked helmet for study. Result: Brain injuries and skull fractures were maximum in non–helmeted group. Most spot death occurred due to head injuries. Conclusion: It was found that head and ain injuries are the commonest cause of death in two– wheeler accidents. In chest injuries, ribs were fractured commonly. In abdominal injuries, liver was the most commonly affected organ. In group not weÃ¥ helmets, head injury as cause of death was seen in 88% of cases and group with helmets 26%.

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Deepak Sharma, Monika Sharma, AMIT MITTAL, Rikki Singal Studies on the pattern of injuries in fatal two–wheeler motor vehicular accidents with and without helmets. Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 8 | August 2016

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