Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2014

Studies on Cytomorphology of Two Mulberry Varieties (Moraceae)

K. H. Venkatesh, Munirajappa, S. Shivaswamy

Abstract :

Regarding, micromorhological and karyomorphological studies of two mulberry verities namely, Channapatna local and M5 were selected. Morpho–criteria, stomatal frequency, somatic chromosome number, ploidy level, karyotype analysis, arm ratio and total haploid chromatin length were studied. Varieties studied exhibited considerable variations in height, internodal distance, leaf texture, leaf color and stomatal frequency. Stomatal frequency is lesser in uneuploid when compared to diploid variety. Channapatna local is diploid with 2n=28 and M5 is uneuploid with 2n=30 somatic chromosomes numbers respectively. Somatic chromosome length ranges from 1.46 μm to 2.86 μm where as arm ratio ranges from 0.52 to 1.00 μm. Karyotypes of these taxa are symmetric. Only metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes are found in the somatic complement.

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K. H. Venkatesh, Munirajappa, S. Shivaswamy Studies on Cytomorphology of Two Mulberry Varieties (Moraceae) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue.VI June 2014

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