Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2013

Studies of The Swelling Properties of Guna Protein/ Cellulose Biocomposites

Abubakar Ahmed Hamidu, B. A Aliyu, J. T. Barminas, S. A. Osemeahon

Abstract :

Biodegradation studies of Guna protein/ cellulose biocomposites was evaluated measuring the decrease in weight of samples. Both blended and unblended samples of cellulose and guna protein/cellulose were investigated. Weight loss studies revealed that compositions ratios 40/60 and 60/40 of Guna protein/cellulose showed better results of 0.03% in the first to 0.08% through 40 to 60days.Composite ratios 30/70 and 70/30 of cellulose/Guna protein blends also represented another set of good biodegradable composite showing an onset of 0.028% to 0.05% through 40 to 60days.However the composition ratio of blends was observed to have played a vital role in the biodegrading of the various ratios of composite blends that is moisture uptake or swelling increased with increase in composition.

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Abubakar Ahmed Hamidu, B. A Aliyu, J. T. Barminas, S. A. Osemeahon Studies of The Swelling Properties of Guna Protein/ Cellulose Biocomposites Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.V May 2013

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