Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2016


Dr. Chivate Chidanand G, Dr. Patil Rahul V, Dr. Kumbhar Shrinivas S, Dr. Deshmukh Shubhangi V

Abstract :

OSCE is an innovative system for practical exams and is both objectively structured and evaluates all 3 domains of learning namely., cognitive, affective & psychomotor. Materials & methods: 100 undergraduate students from 9th semester MBBS were included in this study. First conventional way of examination was conducted. Later on all students were asked to give the OSCE examination. Feedback forms were obtained from students at the end of each examination. Comparison between both patterns was done based on the students’ feedback. Results: OSCE was found to be more objective, well structured & also addressed all 3 domains of learning namely, cognitive, affective & psychomotor. Conclusion: OSCE is a well structured, objective & also an innovative way of examination as it was obtained through feedback from the students and hence students perspective for OSCE was totally positive.

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Dr. Chivate Chidanand G, Dr. Patil Rahul V, Dr. Kumbhar Shrinivas S, Dr. Deshmukh Shubhangi V Students¥ Perspective About Objectively Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 1 January 2016

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