Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Stroke and Carotid Ultrasound .. our experience

Dr Anand Kamat, Dr Prashant Naik, Dr Hariqbal Singh, Dr Sharda Bapat

Abstract :

 Background :– World Health Organization has defined stroke as the rapidly developing clinical signs of focal/global disturbances of cereal function, with symptoms lasting 24 hours or longer or leading to death with no apparent cause other than of vascular origin. Stroke is the commonest life threatening neurological disease and third most common cause of death after cardiovascular disease and cancer. Atherosclerosis is a known risk factor for stroke. Previous studies have indicated an association between increased CIMT and increased risk of cereovascular disease (CVE, stroke). Previous studies have shown that DM, HTN, smoking, dyslipidemia are also associated with increased risk of cereovascular episode (CVE, stroke). Previous studies have shown that Carotid Intima Media Thickness (CIMT), presence or absence of plaques in carotid arteries reliably give a fair idea of presence or absence of atherosclerosis in carotid artery itself and coronary arteries and cereal arteries and arteries elsewhere in the body. Aim:– The aim of this study is to describe the mean values of CIMT, presence or absence of plaques in carotid artery in patients of stroke and also evaluate other risk factors in the patients of cereovascular disease(CVE, stroke) and discuss their significance. Results: –Mean CIMT was significantly higher (0.9808mm +– 0.26213mm) in all the patients of stroke than normal individuals (0.6836+–0.12980mm). Atherosclerotic plaques were seen in 52.5% of the total number of patients of stroke [significantly higher than normal individuals (3.4%)]. Other risk factors of stroke like DM (23.2%), HTN (57.6%), smoking (26.3%), dyslipidemia (53.5%) were also noted in stroke patients in this study. Conclusion:– The data of present study of local Indian population of low income group in and around Pune confirms the findings of previous studies in general population. Hence it has been found in the present study that CIMT values (0.9808mm +– 0.26213mm) in patients of stroke in local Indian population of low income group are higher than normal individuals (0.6836+–0.12980mm) of the same group. Also the incidence of those having carotid plaques (52.5%) is higher in patients of stroke than normal individuals (3.4%).

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Dr Anand Kamat, Dr Prashant Naik, Dr Hariqbal Singh, Dr Sharda Bapat Stroke and Carotid Ultrasound .. our experience Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 4 April 2016

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