Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2016

Stress Management : Effects and Coping Strategies at work place among employees

Ms Vandana

Abstract :

 Stress has become significant due to dynamic social factor and changing needs of life styles. Stress is man‘s adaptive reaction to an outward situation which would lead to physical, mental and behavioral changes.Stress management is exploring different stress coping mechanisms that can be used to help improve and reduce stress symptoms in those individuals suffering.Stress can make a person productive and constructive, when it is identified and well managed. The focus of the paper is to study the stress level among different people and to suggest the coping strategies. Some of the stress coping strategies identified by this study includes stress management programs, physical activities planned in job design, life style modification programs, finding triggers and stressors, supportive organization culture, stress counseling programs, and spiritual programs.Stress issue has become contemporary, being an occupational hazard needs to be addressed without delay. Hence the importance of the study of stress at various levels is growing.This paper concludes that positive attitude and meditation will be helpful for coping the stress and it will definitely change the perception of stress.

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Ms Vandana Stress Management : Effects and Coping Strategies at work place among employees Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 1 January 2016

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