Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2014

Stress and Resilience : A Comparitive Study Between Hostellers and Day Scholars

Dr. Rumeena Surjit Singh

Abstract :

Stress is a fact of everyday life. When people reach out for help, they are often dealing with circumstances, situations, and stressors in their lives that may leave them feeling emotionally and physically overwhelmed. Increasingly, we are focusing not just on who is vulnerable to developing problems related to stress, but those who are able to resist it as well, despite difficult circumstances. Everyone sees situations differently and has different coping skills. A whole new field of stress devoted to the concept of “resilience” has emerged and is the focus of study today. Resilience is a process whereby people exposed to severe levels of stress, trauma, and adversity are able to thrive and survive despite their difficulties. Psychologists have long since recognized the capabilities of humans to adapt and overcome risk and adversity. Therefore, being resilient doesn’t mean going through life without experiencing stress and pain or adversity. The road to resilience lies in working through the emotions and effects of stress and painful events. The focus of the present study is on compå the stress and resilience levels of college going girl students. It looks to compare the scores on these two variables among hostellers and day scholars. It is hypothesized that hostellers will be higher on stress and resilience than the day scholars.

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Dr. Rumeena Surjit Singh Stress and Resilience : A Comparitive Study Between Hostellers and Day Scholars Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. III

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