Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Strategies to Retain Teachers in Engineering Colleges: Probable Causes and Possible Solutions

Dr. T. Shalini Rani, Dr. T. Manvel Raj

Abstract :

 This study addressed the link between policies and practices related to teaching staff and sustaining and improving standards in higher education in India. Evidence from the literature has indicated that teaching is increasingly being given less priority in comparison with research in higher education. The total number of questionnaires mailed was 100, with a nearly equal distribution between Lecturers (51) and Professors (49). The number of instruments returned was 58, of which 56 were usable. Twenty–four responses were returned by the Professors (47%) and 32 were received from Lecturers (61%). It is clear from the above data of this study, in higher education institutions; there is no panacea to cope with the diversity of staffing required in higher education. Some institutions are more seriously affected than others by factors outside the higher education sector, such as location and competition in terms of pay and alternative conditions. The higher education sector frequently has few appraisals, mentoring, or career guidance schemes that are helpful to teaching staff. A number of stresses were identified in relation to teaching staff in higher education. The main report summarizes the evidence and emerging issues concerning recruitment, retention, and promotion of teaching staff in higher education.

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Dr. T. Shalini Rani, Dr. T. Manvel Raj Dr. T. Shalini Rani, Dr. T. Manvel Raj Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 6 June 2015

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