Volume : X, Issue : IV, April - 2020

Sternal Tuberculosis - a case report

Jayesh Kalbhande, Vicky Kuldeep

Abstract :

Tuberculosis is very common disease in India. Sternum is not a very common site to be affected by tuberculosis. Diagnosis of sternal tuberculosis is often delayed because of lack of awareness and rare occurrence. We report a case of osteomyelitis of sternum caused by tuberculosis. Our patient presented with anterior chest wall abscess. Diagnosis was confirmed with polymerase chain reaction based test for tuberculosis along with magnetic resonance imaging of chest. Sometimes surgical deidement may be required for treatment of sternal tuberculosis. However, our patient required a long term treatment with antitubercular medication after which she was completely cured

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STERNAL TUBERCULOSIS - A CASE REPORT, Jayesh Kalbhande, Vicky Kuldeep INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-10 | Issue-4 | April-2020

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