Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2014

Sterilization of honey bee combs infected with Melissococcus plutonius through chemicals and UV rays

Deepak Singh, Dr. Sapna Katna, Dr. B. S. Rana

Abstract :

The causal bacterium, Melissococcus plutonius of European foulood disease was isolated from infected larvae of A. mellifera which inhabits the combs. Such combs are source for further spread of infection. During present studies, artificially inoculated (with M. plutonius) frames were sterilized by treating with chemicals viz., formalin, detergent, sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide + iodine monochloride and UV rays for different time exposures. Maximum mortality of M. plutonius (99.00%) was observed in 4% formalin when exposed for 8.0 min. While 1% formalin + 2% detergent treatment for 8.0 min gave 97.66% mortality. Irradiation with UV rays for 20 min exposure caused 91.02% mortality of M. plutonius. The colonies of A. mellifera gave normal response on the treated combs. Thus these studies indicate that the sterilization of M. plutonius infected bee combs with 1% formalin + 2% detergent is very effective, beekeeper friendly with low cost and minimum residual effect.

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Deepak Singh, Dr. Sapna Katna, Dr. B. S. Rana Sterilization of honey bee combs infected with Melissococcus plutonius through chemicals and UV rays Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. I

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